Finding Your Stranger-Self: How to Build Your Self-Awareness

Finding Your Stranger-Self: How to Build Your Self-Awareness

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How many times have you heard the same “tell me about yourself” question, and you respond with the same experience and accomplishments? You know your values, your dream job requirements, what energizes you, and your goals, right? Well, not really.

Research tells us that most people think they know themselves.  But, they don’t.  Self-awareness isn’t about ruminating a regretful response.

Real-life story: It was during a break at a conference. A senior executive, three of his direct reports, and I were talking about our company. I noticed several white spots on the senior executive’s dark business jacket. No one said anything during the conversation. I quietly told him, and he went straight to the bathroom. I asked myself ad nauseum, “Why did I say anything?”

This is NOT self-awareness.

Self-awareness is more about proactively learning about ourselves in a structured way. We invest time in reflection and let the information percolate. Based on a study led by Tasha Eurlich, we learn that self-awareness is a “balance of two distinct, even competing viewpoints.” It is composed of two pieces – how we see ourselves AND how others see us.

First, let’s talk about who you are.

Utilize P-U-L-S-E + V to get you started:

Get your Pulse checked

  • Define your PURPOSE. What contribution do you want to make to the world?
  • Celebrate your UNIQUENESS. What is different about you? Do you read science fiction, teach yoga, learn only through visuals, or are an expert at speaking?
  • Be aware of your LIMITING BELIEFS. You know, the inner critic that talks to you. The voice from your childhood that says you should not take that step out of your comfort zone.
  • Know your SUPERPOWERS. They come easily and naturally to you.
  • Feel the ENERGY. Your interest is what keeps you going until you have zero steam left. But here is the thing – you don’t care. It piqued your brain’s serotonin, and you couldn’t care less if you get paid.
  • Identify your VALUES. They sit in your heart and never miss a beat. Align your values with the culture of your target organization.

       Put it together and you will get to know your stranger-self.
Vaules and Super Powers


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Mimi’s self-awareness recommendations


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